Underwriters Marine Services, which wrote marine insurance policies during 1978 through 2013, is no longer writing business. UMS, however, is still here to provide policy and claim management services for our brokers and policyholders.  

Effective December 16, 2013 the contact information is as follows:

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To report a CARGO claim, inquire about an existing CARGO claim or request a loss run, contact:

CSL North America
5 Hanover Square
New York, NY 10004-2614

Attn: Ms. Christine Bonamo or Mr. Tom Lynch
Phone: 212-344-9600
Fax: 212-344-9695

Shirley Bickford
York Risk Services Group, Inc
1625 W Causeway Approach  
Mandeville, LA 70471
Phone: 985-674-4678

To report ALL OTHER TYPES OF CLAIMS, inquire about an existing claim or request a loss run, contact:

To Inquire about premium payment or accounting issues, contact:

For policy questions or other types of requests, contact:

Cindy Rife
1712 Magnavox Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Phone: 260-496-6127  

Fax: 260-459-5093

Michael J. Rowley
Vice President of Underwriting Operations
200 E. Randolph Street, 10th Floor

Chicago, IL 60601
